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Alicia's Site!!!

Greetings and welcome to my very first website...

Please feel free to browse around on my website as I take you on a trip through my life and it's many facets. First off, I am a Child of God. I love the Lord with my whole heart and just to THINK of all that He has done for me...brings tears to me eyes....and I am NOT an emotional person. I would like to encourage all of you viewing my website to develop a personal relationship with the Savior and let him guide you through your life. Second, I am the ultimate music lover and so I have dedicated a page to music and I may possibly include one of my own lyrical attempts in the future. Of course that will be AFTER I copyright them. I would hate to have to cut someone for stealing my joints. :) I have included a page dedicated to my beautiful sorors of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Expect more pages as I receive more pictures. I just added a page dedicated to one of my greatest College Graduation. Also I am a family person, and I love my peeps, crazy as they may be at times. So in their honor they have a page dedicated to them. I have a page about me....though it really doesn't even begin to hit on who I am and my contribution or purpose to the universe. I haven't figured that out yet...but in due time. I also have couple of photo pages for your visual enjoyment. Most of the pictures are of ME..being that this is MY website and all.

When I talk about myself please keep in mind that I am forever growing and what I think about a person, place, thing, or notion may very well change in the next hour or even minute. Scorpios are prone to do that and we are entitled....simply because we exist. Deal....

A Few Facts
There are times when I must sit down and just list some facts around me that I forget every now and then.

1) Men are going to treat you the way you let them treat you. Both good and bad. Don't knock a good one down just becuase you are so used to the sensation of having your heart broken by the bad.

2) Realize that although you are not always the center of attention, you are always priority, and to those you aren't, they aren't worth your time. At least not the quality time.

3) Take life one day at a time. And if you have to, one hour, one minute, one second. Things are always changing and evolving. Just because your blessing may not come in the package you expect, realize it is just wrapping paper, the real gift is inside.

4) Though I've been in love three times, sometimes I think that they were just practices, so that I would be ready for that lasting love. That love that will take me up and beyond any pain and joy I may have previously experienced. And I will understand what they mean when they say "Love of a Lifetime" or when they utter, "I've never loved anyone the way I love you."

5) Drama stays around in your life as long as you entertain it. It's like a stray dog or better yet that man in the club that follows you around. As long as you continue to play with it instead of being firm in telling it to get the hell will STAY around yip yappin' at your heels.

6) When you feel like it....cry... you never ever wanna know the feeling of not being able to becuase of so many years of practicing not to.

Don't Forget to Sign the Guestbook
Otherwise, I won't know that you were here..I won't know what you like, I won't know anything about the people who are taking a peek into my life. Hmmmmm....I wonder do they have a *69 function for the internet?
Alicia's Email
I seeeeeeee you......
"If you can believe it, you can percieve it, if you can perceive it you
can achieve it, if you can achieve it, well do the darn thing cuz it's


Alicia's Email