
It's all about...




Delta Sigma Theta

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Baby Me


Model Passion

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It's all about Me Me Me Me Me......
They say this is a good place to have an explanation of my site...but I haven't figured that part out I will commence with the babbling....
I am Alicia....that's all you need to know for now...I am a Scorpio..and as soon as I find a picture of a scorpio stinging a man it will be on this here site. I embody all of the characteristics of a scorpio...I am loyal, honest (to a fault), sensual, demanding, and all that. I'm the type of person...if we are friends, then we are friends for life..but once you cross me, that's prepared for the won't be pretty.

I am a unique will hear a lot of women say that...but I can honestly say I am like no one you will ever meet in your life. That is both a good and bad thing I guess. I take after my mother in that I am persistent, determined, and a bit stubborn and spoiled. And I take after my father in that I am a pretty laidback person..and there will be times you have no idea how I feel. But then there will be times you WISH you didn't know. Most people say I am sweet and "good people". I don't know if I agree with that...but sometimes some people see in you what you can't see in yourself. Both the good and the bad.

I have certain things I like.....
I love to sing...I write poetry and would love to have them turned into songs but that isn't priority right now.. Starting my career is my priority.

I also like men (tall, chocolate, independent non baby mama drama having, non mama boys, educated, intelligent, amusing but not goofy, spiritual)...but right now, I am doing my best not to have all men on my hit list just because I have been disenchanted by most. I'm trying to keep in mind that in all things that go wrong, there is a lesson. I just wish I would learn the damn lesson so I could stop going through it.

I also like to take pictures. I wasn't always like that, but now I love to be the center of attention. I like to make people laugh. My family says I need my own sitcom. I guess that is why the modeling thing is so intriguing to me now. And since I like to be the center of attention I MUST dress the part. I love Avenue and Lane Bryant and catalogs. I think I have my own little business casual way about myself that attracts the right attention...and sometimes the wrong kind..but that ain't my fault.

Alicia J.
Yeah I'm really gonna put my address out there....

To my email..
My Website are on obviously you know the address

Don't waste time loving the one YOU love, love the ONE who loves YOU