
It's all about...




Delta Sigma Theta

My Family

Baby Me


Model Passion

Stay in Touch

Favorite Places

Guest Book

Family Fun...yeah right....
This is the real J-5
My family is just lovely. If I had to pick a televison sitcom that would be would be um.....not the Cosby' they were too nice....not the Jefferson's....we didn't have a maid...not the Hughley's....we are out there like that...maybe...What's Happening...cuz I am like have to pay me to shut up.

No seriously, my family is the best. We have our ups and downs...well with me setting fire to the house about 3 times and my trying to throw my brother off a ledge...after telling them to take him back to the hospital cuz they brought home the wrong sex. Overall, we are pretty cool. If you were to record some of our conversations though, cable television wouldn't even air it.

Me and Alex the "Baby" and Arthur II the "Golden Child"
My oldest brother is called the Golden Child becuase though he is five years younger than me...the boy can do no wrong. I mean he's tried and his parents STILL treat him like a on the other hand...well let's just call me "Cinderella". And Alex....well he's called the Baby becuase he is...he's the youngest and I guess, cute...(he looks like me). So he can't do much wrong either. But I'm not bitter....not at all.....not really. (smile)
  These are the parents.....
Alice and Arthur...Proof that love can last through anything.....And I DO mean ANYTHING...From high school to neurotic chil'ren. They are STILL together...and my inspiration that I don't have to damn the whole male population to hell...there are some GOOD ones out there.

Mommy and Daddy!!!!
I need a better picture but for now this will have to do....

Angel & Aja
My German Shepards. Angel is the on the left. She is a real angel now. She passed September 2000. Aja is a dog that really needs her own t.v. show too...she is a trip.