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My College Graduation

Morris Brown College 2001 Graduate
On May 20, 2001, I graduated with a degree in Business Administration with a Concentration in Marketing. For those that weren't able to make are some pictures to help you feel like you were there.

The Graduate
My parents, my brothers, my Auntie Mary, and my cousins, Lisa, Robin, Mahogany, and Malichi, and family friend, Mary all took me out to this nice restaurant in Buckhead for brunch the morning of my graduation. They then presented me with red and white carnations.

Uncle Sam
Meanwhile, while we were eating brunch, my Uncle Sam arrived at my apartment ACROSS town with my grandmother. Maybe we should have synchronized our watches. But as you can see...he had no trouble finding something to eat as well.
Me and Arthur II
Still eating...and holding on to those flowers for dear life. (smile) Did I drop something little brother?
Parents of The Graduate
I think my mother is still surprised I am graduating. After all, I did change schools three times. But dad is cool, calm, and collected. They are soooo proud.
We all are still having a good time....this is my cousin Lisa. She is so funny to me. She and the M&M's and Auntie Mary flew all the way from California to see me walk. And speaking of walk...
My walk
It's almost time to go back to the house so I can get dressed but's time to take a group picture.
The First Take
Wait Wait... we aren't ready yet!!!!
Family Style that's better. From left to right (Arthur, Mary, Alex, Miss Mahogany, Mom, Me, Auntie Mary, Mr Malichi, Lisa, Robin, and Dad) Time to Go!!!
Me and Grandma.
Finally we make it back to my apartment where my grandmother and uncle have been waiting patiently. But I have to rush and change to leave for school. Oh check the Delta lanier around my neck. That was a gift from Robin. So Fresh So clean....
My Two Moms
My mother, me, and my grandmother. I think this is the only picture we have taken together.
Class of 2001
Will the 2001 graduates please stand up!!! Okay Bill Cosby was our speaker...He was was short...Also in attendance was Johnetta Cole, Carol Mosely Braun, and Bill Campbell (Mayor of Atlanta). Deltas and Omegas..representing!!! Mind you.. it was due to rain and any minute so we were anxious.
Time to celebrate
After graduation it was time to celebrate. My family had gotten me a cake...chocolate marble.
Family Chill
After all of the distance driven and all of the excitement of the family crashed in my room. Oh, the chocolate man on the floor is my Uncle James who arrived right before graduation with my Aunt Naomi and my cousins Jamel and Jasmine.